Perhaps life is sitting in room doing nothing for once
Perhaps life is thinking and thinking is not really life
Perhaps life is staring into space and seeing that you in fact are space
Perhaps life is getting up instead of staying down
Perhaps life is telling each other what we mean
Perhaps life is laughing this time because there may not be a next time
Perhaps life is in between alarm clocks and meals and drives and phone calls
Perhaps life is singing even though our voices are not heard
Perhaps life is a really long dream about living in which we dream about living
Perhaps life is you and me saying something that hurts but is real
Perhaps life is a lie because we refuse to feel
Perhaps life is an addiction to time as if it exists
Perhaps life is a ball game and we are the ball
Perhaps life is a formula that has no solution
Perhaps life is a school with a lesson that has no meaning
Perhaps life is a book that you didn’t get to write but are forced to read
Perhaps life is a story told backwards
Perhaps life is a habit, we live because we are used to it
Perhaps life is you being you in order for me to be me
Perhaps life is a mirror and we shouldn’t make that face
Perhaps life is a bottle you can’t drink unless you can open it
Perhaps life is a boat that goes around in circles until we jump out and swim
Perhaps life is a restaurant where we eat what’s served instead of starving
Perhaps life is a room you entered and you can’t find the exit and there’s a fire
Perhaps life is you, and you are the reason
Perhaps life is suffering, perhaps it doesn’t have to be
Perhaps life is trying to kill you as you try to kill it
Perhaps life is god, and god is really an experience
Perhaps life does not exist and we are making this all up
Perhaps life is the only real thing, all the rest is dead
Perhaps life is death and death is the actual beginning
Perhaps life is actually alive, and we cannot kill it, even though we are dead
Perhaps life is a trap and we want to be trapped
Perhaps life is freedom and we don’t know how to be free
Perhaps life is love and we don’t know what that is
Perhaps life is peace and we are the violent ones
Perhaps life is a feeling we are afraid to feel
Perhaps life is life