'I have the best words.'

So let’s say there is world leader who knows three words: fantastic, beautiful, and tremendous. He uses this vocabulary in odd sequences. When dealing with the latest worldwide problems, for example, it would not be strange for him to call ventilators beautiful and to praise his own fantastic intellect which has helped the nation tremendously. 

One wonders why he knows like three words and one can tell when he is reading something someone else wrote because he deviates from this three-prong vocabulary. It is easy to just dismiss him as a regular idiot who somehow bought himself into power. 

But the truth is far more discouraging than that. The truth is there are people who think he is equivalent to the son of god. For some unexplainable reason, they think this buffoon is a fantastic person.

However, after doing some research into his use of vocabulary, I stand corrected. He does use more than three words. ‘Amazing’ is another one of his favorite words. As in, “If I were a liberal Democrat, people would say I’m the super genius of all time. The super genius of all time. If you’re a conservative Republican, you’ve got to fight for your life. It’s really an amazing thing.”

‘Terrific’ is also another one of his favorites. As in, (on Obamacare) “Repeal and replace with something terrific.”

According to Business Insider:

Most of the items are common uses of hyperbole by President Donald Trump, such as "tremendous" (5.5), "fantastic" (8.5), "big/bigger/biggest" (10.5), and a sort of exacta on a combination of "fantastic, incredible, amazing and tremendous" (24.5). 

Mandatory Credit: Photo by Evan Vucci/AP/Shutterstock (10434333bm)Donald Trump, Sauli Niinisto. President Donald Trump speaks during a meeting with Finnish President Sauli Niinisto in the Oval Office of the White House, in WashingtonTrump, Washington, USA - 02 Oct 2019

In general, he uses these words to praise himself, as in “I have had tremendous success.” He used another one of his favorite words when asked what data he used to determine that Easter was the right day to open the country back up. He said that Easter would be a ‘beautiful’ day. 

It is not just vocabulary that he is lacking, this president is by no means equipped to handle a crisis of this magnitude. Someone said to me yesterday that it is perfect that something this dystopian should happen in his presidency. Too bad he probably doesn’t know what ‘dystopian’ means. 

That would require him to read. It has been reported that his advisors will praise him in the memos they write for him to read, so he will keep reading. This is actually psychotic. It is beyond unreal. 

This time and this crises is also unreal. And it is compounded by the fact that the U.S. has poor leadership in a man who does not even know how to communicate, ‘I have the best words.’

They say that the number of words you know can be correlated with your IQ. I am a woman who works with words. Words matter. What this man says to the American people matter. He does not know how to construct useful, even sometimes coherent sentences. 

These are some quotes from CNN:

"I had a meeting at the Pentagon with lots of generals -- they were like from a movie, better looking than Tom Cruise and stronger -- and I had more generals than I've ever seen." January 2 (Cabinet Meeting)

"My intelligence people, if they said in fact that Iran is a wonderful kindergarten, I disagree with them a hundred percent." February 3 (Super Bowl interview)

"Yeah, Obama had a dog. You're right. Both parties should come together to finally create a safe and lawful system of immigration." February 11 (El Paso)

Words matter. Leaders who know how to use them matter. We need someone who actually knows how to communicate. It’s not enough that he is narcissistic and egomaniacal, the fact that he is also simply mentally unstable, unable to speak or think in coherent sentences, is more than alarming. 

I teach English to kids in college and it has never been more clear to me how important my job is every time I hear the president speak. I’m not sure if this is representative of the IQ of our country, but if there ever was a reason to focus on education it would be so that the masses can see through a man like our president. I have to save Americans from constructing bad sentences and help them recognize others who are abusing the English language. I take this job very seriously.

We are smarter and better than this. He does not represent who we are. He is not saying what we want to hear. I have watched many of his press briefings lately, and my one question over and over again is, what is he even saying?

