So it turns out the dildo needed to be washed

Seroiusly pople I have never gotten this real with you before. I’m wondering how many readers I will lose because Im so raw and—-and I’m just being fucking honest. THis is your life too. THis is our lives. These are the Days of our Lives.

My mom thinks all whit4e people are like the people on that show. In India I would be considered a shameful, sinful, for having sexual desires. IT’s bhasiccally the same thing in America. I’m a slut. I’m a whore. I’m a cunt.

OOOOOh I said a bad word. You should probaby never read this blog again. You should be afraid for your children that ther are woman, barren women like me with no children who use such language.

Anyways on a lighter note4….me and John are still on the phone, we have much to say. No we are not lovers, it is humanly possible to be just friends with the oppositr sex no matter what Harry said to Sally.

John, my writer work husband is convonced that I should marry someone with a boat. He says it implies wealtthj and stability. I think hje just wants to go on a long boat ride and doesn’t have a boat himself. What do you think.

I think we sho9uodn[‘t be so werioius about seroius things all the fuckig time. Just let it go preople, let it go. I’m sorry if your kid got shot at Sandy Hook, I’m really sorry. ANd yes we are coming for your guns, and yes, we should ban guns in Ameria. Yes we should amenmd the 2nd ammendemnt.



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